How to get started?

  • How do I sign-up as a mentor? Using the "Apply Now" link - on the right side of this page, complete your profile as a mentor. This provides both mentees and the steering committee visibility into your availability, interest, and expertise. Mentees will send you an application.
  • How do mentors and mentees get paired?  Mentees will receive system-generated mentor suggestions, but they can also browse through the list of available mentors. The mentee will then send a request to the mentor they wish to connect with. A mentoring connection is established upon the mentor's acceptance of this request.
  • What am I expected to do? Mentors are expected to provide their mentee with about two hours of support and interaction per month. Most of this interaction will take place via email and other web-related tools (for example, instant messaging or Zoom meetings) or face-to-face, as appropriate. Mentors should work with their mentee to determine what kind of support will be most useful to achieve their professional goals.
  • How long will the commitment be? We ask our mentors to make a commitment of at least six months in order to ensure that the mentee is able to fully benefit from the relationship. If a mentor must leave the relationship early, we request at least one month's notice in order to search for a replacement mentor with a similar background.
  • What should I do if my mentoring relationship isn't going well?​ We encourage letting the mentee know about the situation and contacting a program administrator as soon as possible. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner.

Mentor Guidebook

Click on the below image to access your guidebook:


Connect with Our Mentees!

Share your expertise with those willing and eager to learn.

Apply Now

Mentor DO's

  1. Commit at least two mentorship sessions per month.
  2. Set aside time for the mentoring process and honor all appointments.
  3. Arrange frequent contacts through telephone, email, face-to-face, etc., as appropriate.
  4. Respond to emails from your mentee within two days of receipt.
  5. Keep information that your mentee has shared with you confidential. If something concerning the mentee needs to be discussed with others, it should first be discussed within the mentoring relationship.
  6. Establish open and honest communication and a forum for idea exchange.
  7. Foster creativity and independence. Help build self-confidence and offer encouragement.
  8. Provide honest and timely feedback to your mentee.
  9. Provide opportunities for the mentee to talk about concerns and ask questions.
  10. Above all, LISTEN.

Mentor DON'Ts

  1. Try to give advice on everything.
  2. Encourage a mentee to be totally dependent upon you.
  3. Provide your personal history, problems, animosities, successes, failures, etc., unless they are constructive contributions.
  4. Be too busy when the mentee needs your friendship or your support. If you do not have time, give the mentee a heads up, so that they know when they can reach you.
  5. Criticize.